Graham James
Graham James - I returned to model making in 2010 after a very long absence and the "James May Experience" of going back to my childhood once I had a bit more spare time.
I'm a member of three IPMS(UK) Special Interest Groups: Harrier; Great War; and Special Schemes. SIGs are a great place to get help, support and gain knowledge and the Harrier SIG in particular has been a life-changer for me.
Something different again. Graham T brought two of these down the club and I was nearly killed in the rush to bag them. Okay, maybe not, they were destined for landfill and I thought that was a shame. Give a kit a new home I thought. Knowing next to nothing about the aircraft and its history, I used a well known search engine to find some examples and some operators. Peru became a natural choice to add to my list of air forces and navies I've yet to build examples for. This particular aircraft was an exhibit on a lake for many years and that's how I've finished it.
This is the Airfix kit from around 1972. It went together okay and was fine for its intended use. Painted with AK Interactive acrylics and mounted on some foam, suitably painted. A bit of fun for the weekend.