Farnborough IPMS Shows
Our experiences and model displays at the Farnborough IPMS model shows ("ModelFest")
2024 - 8th September
Les, Mark, Dave T and Bob put on a display at the Modelfest venue, a great venue, lots of interest.
2023 - 20th August
Les, Mark and Martin put on a display at the new Modelfest venue, a welcome return for Farnborough to the show circuit.
2019 - 14th September
Dave T, Les, Bob, Mark and Martin S, put on this years display. The show was well attended all day, with a lot of interest and friendly banter with visitors and exhibitors alike. A good day was had by all
2018 - 15th September
Dave T, Les and Martin H, put on this years display. The show was busy all day, with a lot of interest shown by visitors and exhibitors alike. A good day was had by all
2017 - 16th September
Les, Martin, Bob and Graham J represented the club at this year's show, though Bob was too modest to display his models. Alan made a visit in the afternoon to say hello. Between us we managed to put over 50 models on the table and received our fair share of attention from visitors and exhibitors alike. We caught up with a few old friends and managed to avoid buying any additional loft insulation this time.
2016 - 24th September
Les, Dave T, Martin, Ed, Matthew and Brian braved the M3 "Smart Motorway" road works to represent the club at this year's ModelFest. Dave T and Les formed the advanced party to set up the table. I'm told they started to panic at around 9.30 - with thirty minutes to show opening - because they only had their models on a table 18 feet long. Cue the cavalry - with Martin, Ed, Matthew and Brian strolling in and filling the gap just in time for show opening. As usual it was a very busy show that stayed pretty lively right up to 4pm, which is unusual for most shows. Clearly our friends at IPMS Farnborough have done a good job yet again.
It was nice to see Brian make a return to the show table, because we've missed the flashing lights, mega-bass sound systems and air-conditioning propellor whirring of Brian's collection. Whatever else you may think of this aspect of modelling, it sure generates a lot of attention. You can take the modeller aout of the boy, but you can't take the boy out of the modeller it would seem. Brian's newly completed Alfa Romeo was a big hit with the punters. I'm told Brian had his cheque book ready to splash out on an expensive Zoukei Mura kit and loads of Eduard Big-Ed sets.
Overall, it appears a good time was had by all. Thanks to Ed for providing photos and Dave and Les an update on events. [There's some interesting camera angles as you can see - I wonder what they put in the coffee down there?